Expedition Mongolia 2017
15. 3. 2022
The MENDELU student expedition took us to the well-known sites of the Khentii Mountains, where we continued researching the forest and mapping the permafrost from earlier years.
Forest for Mongolia
Guarantor/coordinator: Ing. David Juřička Ph.D.
Contact: david.juricka@mendelu.cz
Date of realization: 2000-2017
The Mongolia Expedition is a joint project of students and academics who want to explore and discover areas of Mongolia that are still promising in terms of research and offer opportunities for unique discoveries. As the years and trips have passed, this adventurous research project with a touch of a wilderness survival course has grown in importance and prepared unforgettable experiences for dozens of participants who decided to discover something new in the field of science. The project team consists of students and staff of Mendel University in Brno and invited external experts, who set out to explore and bring the unique and rapidly disappearing nature of Mongolia closer to the world.
The expeditions are mainly based on the research work of the students. Each of the students participating in the expedition chooses the topics they intend to work on in teamwork with the other members of the expedition. These topics are geared towards the natural sciences and in recent years have mainly dealt with forest ecosystem degradation, permafrost degradation, aridization and desertification, environmental contamination, etc. Students have the opportunity to prepare a research report on the material obtained, with the output in the form of a publication in a professional journal or in the form of a thesis. The data we obtain is one of the initial scientific information for most fields and gradually becomes the starting point for practical use.
The main objective of the expeditions is to help Mongolia in several areas, especially in the fight against aridization and desertification, and thus in nature conservation. We try to create theoretical foundations for sustainable management of natural resources and, by assessing the state of the environment, also to improve the living conditions of the local population. We try to pass on the knowledge we have gained not only in the form of scientific outputs, but also through various projects and education. This approach is essential for the conservation of the unique nature, especially the forest ecosystems in the Khentii Mountains, where most of our research takes place.
The support of MENDELU and a number of sponsors has always been essential for the success of the expeditions. It is for this support that we would like to thank all our colleagues, the management of LDF and AF MENDELU, Asolo, Bosch, Gaz, Geotest, Opinel, Terra Rosice, Warmpeace and many others.
15. 3. 2022
The MENDELU student expedition took us to the well-known sites of the Khentii Mountains, where we continued researching the forest and mapping the permafrost from earlier years.
15. 3. 2022
The MENDELU student expedition was more demanding than ever this year. In total, we spent two months in Mongolia, the first month researching deep in the forests of the Khentii Mountains and the second studying soil and forest contamination around Erdenet and Ulaanbaatar.
15. 3. 2022
This year's MENDELU student expedition had a groundbreaking touch, especially due to the predominance of forestry topics, the large number of participants and the departure from the original geological direction. Its destination was the southern edge of the Khentii Mountains, the Gobi Desert and Lake Khövsgöl.
15. 3. 2022
This year the MENDELU student expedition was already realized in the late spring in the southern part of the Khtentii Mountains. Its main objective was to research permafrost and forest rejuvenation