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Forest for Mongolia


The results of our many years of expeditionary work have already been transformed into a number of projects and publications in foreign professional periodicals. Publications based on our research:

  • Juřička, D., Pecina, V., Brtnický, M. and Kynický, J., 2019. Mining as a catalyst of overgrazing resulting in risk of forest retreat, Erdenet Mongolia. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 12(3), pp.184-198. 
  • Juřička, D., Muchová, M., Elbl, J., Pecina, V., Kynický, J., Brtnický, M. and Rosická, Z., 2016. Construction of remains of small-scale mining activities as a possible innovative way how to prevent desertification. International journal of environmental science and technology, 13(6), pp.1405-1418.

  • Juřička, D., Novotná, J., Houška, J., Pařílková, J., Hladký, J., Pecina, V., Cihlářová, H., Burnog, M., Elbl, J., Rosická, Z. and Brtnický, M., 2018. Large-scale permafrost degradation as a primary factor in Larix sibirica forest dieback in the Khentii massif, northern Mongolia. Journal of Forestry Research, pp.1-12.

  • Juřička, D., Kusbach, A., Pařílková, J., Houška, J., Ambrožová, P., Pecina, V., Rosická, Z., Brtnický, M. and Kynický, J., 2019. Evaluation of natural forest regeneration as a part of land restoration in the Khentii massif, Mongolia. Journal of Forestry Research, pp.1-14. 

  • Juřička, D., Pecina, V., Brtnický, M. and Kynický, J., 2019. Mining as a catalyst of overgrazing resulting in risk of forest retreat, Erdenet Mongolia. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 12(3), pp.184-198. 

  • Juřička, D., Pecina, V., Kusbach, A., Vlček, V., Novotná, J., Pařílková, J., Otgonsuren, B., Brtnický, M. and Kynický, J., 2020. Thermal regime of semi-natural dew collector’s perspective for afforestation of semi-arid landscapes. Environmental Technology & Innovation, 20, p.101125.
  • Kusbach A., Štěrba T., Šebesta J., Mikita T., Bazarradnaa E., Dambadarjaa S., Smola M., 2019. Ecological Zonation As A Tool For Restoration Of Degraded Forests In Northern Mongolia. Geography, Environment, Sustainability, 12(3), pp. 98-116.
  • Kolář, T., Kusbach, A., Čermák, P., Štěrba, T., Enkhtuya Batkhuu, Rybníček, M., 2020. Climate and wildfire effects on radial growth of Pinus sylvestris in the Khan Khentii Mountains, north-central Mongolia,
    Journal of Arid Environments, Volume 182, 104223, ISSN 0140-1963,



  • As part of the "Don't Give Up" series, Czech Television presented the documentary "The Struggle for the Mongolian Forest", which was filmed as part of the Domogt project in 2016

Link to watch:

  • Mongolia and participation in the project through the eyes of cameraman and director Ladislav Moulis

Link to watch

  • Documentary about the Domogt project

Link to watch:

  • Documentary by Ladislav Moulis on Czech Television: The Struggle for the Mongolian Forest on Czech Television

Link to watch: 



  • Interviews Czech Radio Plus, Hovory, 17.2.2019

  •  Interview on Czech Radio Plus